Not ANOTHER Meeting!
Welcome to that all-too-frequent moment in corporate life! You have tons of work to get done and you’re pulled away from productive time because you have to attend yet another meeting! So much wasted time! So much added stress…. And… you still have to get all your work done on time!
Millions of hours are wasted every year in meetings! Billions of dollars are wasted! According to research, estimates show that approximately 50 percent of time spent in meetings is WASTED!
Author George S. Cotcher recognized that there’s GOT to BE a BETTER WAY! He found that the answer, is YES! There IS a better way!
Not only is there a better way to reduce wasted time in meetings, there is also a better overall meeting management process. Additionally, the adoption of this new meeting management process can be a HUGE STRATEGIC factor impacting the whole success of the organization!
This book isn’t just another “how-to-make-an-agenda” book. It’s much more! This book introduces:
A 4-step meeting management process that can supercharge your company’s productivity by eliminating ALL wasted time in meetings.
A highly-effective, improved company culture.
A path to a thriving future for your company.

Not ANOTHER Meeting! speaks not only to leaders, but also to people at every level – from executives and management looking to create a more productive and efficient environment to employees who want to strike a better work-life balance. Let the book inspire you to initiate the changes that will make your company the best it’s meant to be!